
50 pictures with 50 captions are traveling their way through the US postal service as we speak along with about 4,000 words about us which means we are done. We have absolutely nothing left that we can do. All we need is our final clearances, and we will be active.

So I am still in D.C. compliments of Delta, but here are my favorites:

Actor:  Don’t really know…George Clooney

Actress: Sandra Bullock

Animal: Yellow labs

 Author: Amy Tan

 Beverage/Drink: Coke Zero

Book: The Bonesetters Daughter by Amy Tan

Candy Bar: Three Musketeers

Cartoon: The Smurfs

Childhood Memory: When my grandmother would let me “experiment” while she cooked. I got to put a little bit of everything in my mixing bowl.

Childhood Toy: Rainbow Bright Doll

 Children’s Book: Goodnight Moon

 Classic Movie: Breakfast at Tiffany’s

 Color: Purple

Day of Week: Tuesday (my mom was always off on Tuesdays growing up and is still my favorite day)

 Dessert: Chocolate

Disney Movie: Beauty and the Beast

Dream Car: umm…a red SUV 

Dream Job: Working from home both being a mom and working

Dream Vacation: Cruise around the Mediterranean

 Family Activity: Baking cookies

 Fast Food Place: Taco Bueno

Flower/Plant: Hydrangea 

Food: Mac and Cheese

Form of Exercise: Aerobics  

Fruit: Cherries

Game: Phase 10

Hero: My Mom and Dad

Hobby:  Cooking/Photography

Holiday: Christmas

 Holiday Song: Joy to the World 

Holiday Tradition: Opening our stocking on Christmas morning 

Ice Cream: Cookies and Cream 

Junk Food: Chips and salsa 

Leisure Activity: Reading 

Magazine: Southern Living 

Memory with child: When my nephew opened his cowboy hat and lasso from me and going outside to play with it right away.

Memory with spouse: Walking the beach in St. Marteen 

Movie: The Holiday 

Movie Munchie: Popcorn with a coke 

Movie Quote: “My Mama always said, ‘Life was like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re gonna get.'”

Movie Type: Chick Flick 

Musical Group:

Musical Nursery Rhyme:

 Olympic Event: swimming 

Perfume/Cologne: Issey Miyake

Play: Oklahoma

Poet: Robert Frost

Quality about Spouse: His care and concern for other people.

Quote: Keep calm and carry on

Restaurant: Bordinos

Sandwich: Ham and Cheese

Scripture: Deuteronomy 30: 19-20

Shopping Store: Target

Show Tune Song: Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis

Sports Star: Peyton Manning 

Sport to Play: umm…bowling

Sport to Watch: Football

Sports Team: OU Sooners 

Subject in School: Reading 

Thing to Cook: Any dessert

Time of Day: Early evening 

Tradition: Family vacations

TV Show:  Bones

TV Character: Temperance “Bones” Brennan

Type of Music: Soundtracks

Vacation Spot: St. Marteen

Vegetable: Broccoli 

Video Game: Mario Brothers Yep, we have to answer all of those. Can you believe it? Leave your answer to one or ten of them while I am on a business trip to D.C. for a couple of days and I’ll post mine when I get back.

Do you know all of your favorites….we are working on our family profiles and the list of favorite things is a little over the top. So what is/are your favorite(s)…







Candy Bar


Childhood Memory

Childhood Toy

Children’s Book

Classic Movie


Day of Week


Disney Movie

Dream Car

Dream Job

Dream Vacation

Family Activity

Fast Food Place



Form of Exercise






Holiday Song

Holiday Tradition

Ice Cream

Junk Food

Leisure Activity


Memory with child

Memory with spouse


Movie Munchie

Movie Quote

Movie Type

Musical Group


Nursery Rhyme

Olympic Event




Quality about Spouse





Shopping Store

Show Tune


Sports Star

Sport to Play

Sport to Watch

Sports Team

Subject in School

Thing to Cook

Time of Day


TV Show

TV Character

Type of Music

Vacation Spot


Video Game

Yep, we have to answer all of those. Can you believe it? Leave your answer to one or ten of them while I am on a business trip to D.C. for a couple of days and I’ll post mine when I get back.

Our official status with our adoption agency is now pending which might not seem like much, but… 

It means that all we are waiting on is our FBI clearances and sending them our final pictures/profile information. It means that we have turned in every piece of documentation, passed the home inspection and cleared the interviews. It means my to do list is almost back to normal. It means we have come along way in just a single month. It means we are getting closer to hearing the word “approved.”

The sun is shining. I can wear flip-flops. We are pending. It’s a good day!

Social Worker: “So Bob what was Kate wearing on your first date?”

Bob: “I have absolutely no idea.”

And so we started our first of two home study interviews. Topics went from the first time we met to what we ate for dinner. Tess was on excellent puppy behavior and snored through most of the interview.

After all of my work cleaning and organizing, I have to laugh because she spent only 10 minutes walking through our house. She did check to be sure we had running water but didn’t even read through my carefully designed emergency contact list.

One down…one to go.

We spent a long weekend in Palm Beach, FL with my grandmother. We had a wonderful time walking the beach, eating seafood and relaxing.


Watching the mail for our background clearances…

Did you know…

For work I have been creating a “get to know you” activity for a seminar we have developed. I thought I would share my answers with you.

What is your favorite book? Why? The Bonesetters Daughter by Amy Tan. After my summer in China, I love anything set there and I love her writing style.

What is your favorite candy bar? Why? Three Muskateers….chocolate need I say more?

What is your favorite cookie? Why? Chocolate Chip (my grandmother’s recipe). It’s a classic and the first cookie I learned to bake.

What is your favorite sport? Why? Football…I am married to Bob.

What place would you like to visit? NYC, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Canada, Alaska…

When you have an hour of free time, what do you like to do? I enjoy cooking, photography and reading

What is your motto in life? Joy!

What super-power would you most like to have, and why? Flying…I am not a good car rider and think of all the places you could go.

Your challenge: Pick your favorite question and leave me a comment with your answer.

Every document has been found, every release signed and every form is completed for our home study. {INSERT CELEBRATION HERE}

We are ready for the safety walk through which includes 5 fire alarms, 3 fire escape routes, 2 fire extinguishers and 1 emergency contact list. 

We can also easily pass the requirements of electricity, running water, heating, air conditioning, a working telephone, a working bathroom…yep we have got all those covered. We also have no livestock living in our backyard,  and we have been preparing Tess to be on her best puppy manners.

A few more drawers to organized, and I’ll call us ready.

It’s a good day. It’s Friday and Bob comes home today! I always get excited for him to come home from a business trip. He might wish he could stay away after he sees my To Do list of things I want to do before our home visits on March 2 and 4. In reality, most of the list has more to do with the fact that we don’t have a foot of snow or sub-zero temperatures so I am way more motivated.

The first item on our list involves hanging some new pictures in our kitchen. I am so excited because I took them at last year’s farmers market and had them turned into posters. I can’t believe I am actually putting my own artwork on the walls.

I was really hoping the nice weather would stick around so I could complete a side table I am refinishing, but no such luck. I’ll have to entertain myself with a trip to grocery store and more cleaning.

Happy weekend!!